Hypnotherapist in Paris 16

Sybille de Klebnikoff, your hypnotherapist in Paris 16th


Sybille de Klebnikoff

Hypnotherapist, Coach, Couple therapist

Guided by life experiences and my passion for human relationships, I am always eager to learn more and to share my findings with the people I work with.

Some background:

In the first part of my professional life, after studying in a business school, I worked in marketing in France.

This experience allowed me to overcome roadblocks and develop my critical thinking skills that are very useful today.

Then my family moved to Asia (Seoul, Shanghai, and Hong Kong) where we lived for 20 years.

This long expatriation led me to question myself professionally and even more, and forced me to develop my resourcefulness for my own good.

As I went on in my reflection, I decided to train myself in Coaching, then in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and finally in Hypnotherapy, to be able to help other people in this process. 

I then practiced in Hong Kong in a medical office for 5 years, which allowed me to work with more than 20 different nationalities (Asians and Westerners), in French and English.

Thanks to that Asian experience and the practice of hypnotherapy I had to step out of my comfort zone, and meet people from different cultures. I could also reflect on the differences and complementarities between Western medicine and Chinese medicine. I particularly appreciate the holistic approach of Chinese medicine, which I find in the practice of hypnotherapy.

During the sessions of hypnotherapy,, I also emphasize on empowering of the people I receive.

sybille de klebnikoff
sybille de klebnikoff's journey

Everyone needs outside help at some point in their life. Through my coaching, I encourage the people I work with to reveal their potential, to free themselves from their limitations, to reach their goal.

My practice evolves according to my curiosity, my findings and what I experience. Nothing is set in stone.

We often imagine the hypnotherapist as a person on another planet, a bit special or original. As for me, I am very down to earth and pragmatic, while being very open-minded. I see the benefits of hypnotherapy on the people I work with every day.

I have personally tested the techniques I use and I keep being surprised and even amazed at the effects of hypnosis. Some clients say that there is a magical side to hypnotherapy. It is a perception of course, but what is certain is that hypnosis is a very powerful tool.

Thanks to my trainings in NLP and hypnotherapy, I  dropped some old beliefs that no longer served me, and I acquired the belief that everything is possible as long as you decide to do it, if you are ready, and you give yourself the means.

My diplomas

  • Master practitioner in Humanistic Hypnosis (IFHE)
  • Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming/ NLP (The Tad James Company)
  • ICF Certified Coach (ICA, International Coaching Academy)
  • Positive Discipline Practitioner
  • Graduate of EDHEC (Ecole d'Hautes Etudes Commerciales)
  • Master Practitioner in Timeline Therapy (The Tad James Company)
  • Art therapy practitioner for children and adolescents
  • Life Coach (ICA)

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