Hypnotherapist in Paris 16

How to quit smoking with hypnosis

Now you're ready.

For several years or several months now, your friends and family have been asking you to stop smoking because it is bad for your health, because there is this smell that remains, because...

You agree with these arguments. Moreover, you have others too: smoking takes time, smoking interrupts quality time with family or friends, smoking requires organization: do I have enough cigarettes for the day, where can I buy them, do I smoke before or after taking the subway, where is the smoking area? In a way, smoking keeps your mind busy, and maybe a little too busy sometimes. And then the cigarette budget is not negligible... You don't even dare to calculate after all these years.... Many people tell me that out of all the cigarettes they smoke during the day, they only enjoy one or two, and smoke the others automatically.

Today, tomorrow, one day, you decide that cigarettes should no longer control your life. Because in fact, you are not totally free from cigarettes, you have lost your ability to say no.

That's when hypnotherapy can come in. When you are ready, when you have made that firm decision for yourself.
You should know that nicotine addiction dissipates in about 72 hours. On the other hand, the habit of smoking and the false idea that smoking helps to reduce stress are obstacles to change. In reality, we can see that cigarettes reduce stress while we savor them, but the stress returns a little more intensely when it is over.

Most of the time, a few hypnosis sessions are enough to deactivate what is preventing you from quitting smoking by yourself. And thanks to hypnosis, there is no transfer of symptoms to food for example. There is no risk of gaining weight. In fact, since we work on the root cause of this addiction, once it is deactivated, there is no reason to replace it with something else.

Don't hesitate, you have the resources, and hypnosis can help you free yourself from cigarettes and become a non-smoker.

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