Hypnotherapist in Paris 16

Hypnotherapy, a tool to help teens (and their parents)

Last May, in Hong Kong, I received a 16-year-old boy who was going through periods of extreme fatigue, which resulted in a desire to sleep at any time of the day. Since he assured me that he slept a lot at night, these recurrent bouts of tiredness could not be due to a lack of sleep.

After asking his parents to verify with a doctor that there was no medical reason for this symptom, I worked with him to understand what was causing this exhaustion. It turns out that he had multiple sources of stress: his family with whom he was often in conflict, his friends who he wondered if they really liked him, and his studies, his future and the fear of failing. 

The specificities of adolescence

Everyone knows that adolescence is a difficult period of questioning all certainties, doubt, loss of confidence related, among other things, to physical and hormonal changes.

Adolescents must mourn their childhood, which is accompanied by a loss of reference points. The multiple questions, metaphysical or otherwise, are often a source of stress. This is manifested by insomnia, mood swings, lack of motivation, persistent fatigue, anxiety attacks...

Most of the time, these symptoms are temporary. Parents, by their benevolent presence, can accompany their teenager in this transition. Even if they often feel that their teenager is rejecting them, they need to decipher the message "I need you, don't let me down". 

However, in some cases, the teenager may need external help to better cope with this stage of his life, if the malaise seems to be lasting. In Hong Kong, several factors can add to this malaise: uprooting, homesickness. 

The contribution of hypnotherapy

It is in this case that hypnotherapy can intervene, because it allows to relieve the stress and to remove the blockages in order to regain self-confidence. Through hypnosis, the teenager will change his way of seeing his situation and his environment and will be able to develop new beliefs that will help him in his daily life: I am a good person, I am capable and I deserve to succeed, I deserve to be loved.

Parents are often destabilized by the reactions of their teenager whom they no longer recognize. This is why I always take the time, before receiving the teenager, to discuss with the parents to give them keys to understanding and tools to improve the relationship.

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